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How The Parampara Is Lost

But some way or other, the parampara being lost... Just like I have spoken something to my disciple. He says the same thing to his disciple. He says the same thing to his disciple. But some way or other, if it is distorted at a certain point, then the knowledge is lost. As soon as any of the disciples in the succession distort the knowledge, then it is lost. That is being explained.Sa kalena mahata. The time is very powerful. It changes.That is the... Time means it changes, kills the original position You have got experience. You purchase one anything. It is very fresh, new. But time will kill it. It will become shabby. It will be useless at a time, in due course of time. So time is fighting. This material time, it is called kala. Kala means death. Or kala means the black snake. So black snake destroys. As soon as touches anything, it is destroyed. Similarly, kala... This kala is also another form of Krsna. So kalena mahata. Therefore it is called mahata. It is very powerful. It is not ordinary thing. Mahata. Its business is to destroy. Sa kalena iha nasta. So by due course of time... Because how the kala can destroy? As soon as kala sees that you are distorting, then it will be lost. So don't try to understand Bhagavad-gita from persons who are under the influence of kala—past, present, future. Don't try to understand Bhagavad-gita from so-called rascal philosophers, commentators and... They will write Bhagavad-gita in a distorted way."   
Srila Prabhupada lecture on Bhagavad-Gita  (Lecture BG 1974)

Srila Prabhupada explains how to properly continue the parampara.

Ganesa: Srila Prabhupada, if the knowledge was handed down by the saintly kings, evam parampara-praptam [Bg. 4.2], how is it that the knowledge was lost?

Prabhupada: When it was not handed down. Simply understood by speculation. Or if it is not handed down as it is. They might have made some changes. Or they did not hand it down . Suppose I handed it down to you, but if you do not do that, then it is lost. Now the Krsna consciousness movement is going on in my presence. Now after my deparature, if you do not do this, then it is lost . If you go on as you are doing now,  then it will go on. But if you stop"
Srila Prabhupada Room Conversation, Perth, 1975

Yours in Srila Prabhupada's service

Yasoda nandana dasa

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