“You cannot eat anything , even grass without the sanction of God”—SP
June 23, 2012 in Articles, Damaghosa Dasa
Hare Krsna to all
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Below is a very interesting conversation wherein Srila Prabhupada explains the difficult
situation all kali yuga inhabitants find themselves.
Machines and so called “easy living” vs. working hard in a rural setting and producing your own food. The first is easier for that kind of work only requires one sit at a desk for many, and push some buttons/shuffle some papers-not very physically taxing. But as we see from that kind of inactive sedentary lifestyle all kinds of very serious health and mental problems ensue. On the other hand, when one operates his or her body in a moving physically active way, that is the way God intended us to live-by working hard to produce our necessities. And tremendous health and mental benefits come from this type of satisfying work which one does not get by pushing buttons.
And finally just to be fair, Srila Prabhupada points out that to stop ones kind of city occupation in this age and go live in the country is almost impossible to do So he recommends that one keep his job, but add the chanting of Hare Krsna maha mantra to that work. And if one does this, he will get purified of so many anarthas, or unwanted things in his heart. So much so that he may even want to give up city living and the fat pay check and simply go and live more simply so that his pursuit of God consciousness is made easier by living in the mode of goodness instead of the mode of passion and ignorance.
Hari bol,
Damaghosa das
740524r2.rome Conversations Richard Webster: What civilization there is comes chiefly from the television, I’m afraid. I mean the public opinion is made by the television. Atreya Rsi: The television today is setting up the standard for the civilization, for today’s civilization. Richard Webster: But they talk about nothing but name war (?) and… Prabhupada: (indistinct) pictures. Richard Webster: It’s much easier. They’re producing more television sets (indistinct) Yogesvara: It’s a great science. My mother is an executive in a public relations firm. Her business is to show products, goods, to people that otherwise they have no need for and to convince them that there is some value. It’s a very big industry, especially in the United States, public relations, advertising. It’s very psychological too. They use all kinds of psychological techniques for inducing people to take things they have no need for. Prabhupada: All right but thing is that after all our prime necessity is food. So why people are not engaged to produce food? Richard Webster: Well, in Italy they don’t like to work on the land any more. They all want to live in town.