Srila Prabhupada discussed KC with scientist devotees over origins of life
August 20, 2015 in Articles, Damaghosa Dasa
This is a very nice presentation by some of the devotee scientists (all Phd’s in chemistry, math, and physics) to Srila Prabhupada regarding laws of nature and the origins of life. They show that the “laws” the material scientists know of are too limited to produce complex development in living things. Simply put, no matter how many times you drive a volkswagen beetle around the block, it will never become a Cadillac Escalade . They showed to Srila Prabhupada by mathematical theorems that cellular evolutionary theory is simply, statistically, impossible-and even a small celled organism would take more years to evolve (if it could) than the lifetime of Lord Brahma ! Which from our standpoint, in years of time, is beyond our imagination, and according to them (the scientists) longer or older than the age of this universe! So who is going to wait around for that to- supposedly happen?
They also showed by quantum mechanics that to observe something, when you take the observer and the observed back further from the microscope, back to eyeball, and further back, that still to explain something, you still needed the “observer”.,or something non physical- the consciousness or the soul . It is a very good presentation on the “science” of God Consciousness as opposed to atheistic theory.
Hare Krsna
damaghosa das
July 3 1976 Wash DC-Life comes from Life
Prabhupāda: So you are searching, you are surprised how this direction is coming. Here is the answer, mattaḥ, “from Me.” The answer is there.