God is non different than His photograph
What is the parampara system?-SP No one has the right to change it !

Vaisnava can do any kind of work for Krsna- and is expert at it–SP

Why deity worship is essential and not optional-SP
Devotee (1): Srila Prabhupada, if Krsna is everywhere, why do we
stress the importance of living a very strict life in the temple
Prabhupada: But have you got the eyes to see Krsna everywhere?
Devotee (1): No, Srila Prabhupada.
Prabhupada: Then you must attention give to temple. When you have got
the eyes to see Krsna everywhere, you may not require temple worship.
But why do you try to imitate that? You have no eyes to see that. Yes.
Srila Prabhupada’s SB classes-summary file–VOLUME 5 P:III
Hare Krsna to All
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Below we have part 3/4 from Vol 5 of the Srimad Bhagavatam lectures series by Srila
Prabhupada. I just love reading these lectures every day and want to share the nectar
I get from him to all who also want to listen to the illuminating words of a pure devotee
of Lord Krsna. These are only short snipets of lectures where I have taken out only part
of a part of what is contained within them. I do hope all who receive this series enjoys them
as much as I do.
If you want off this list, please let me know.
Hare Krsna
Damaghosa das
Some topics covered below:
* Process of going back to Home means the 26 pure qualities manifest
* Go to mangal arotik- or sell one Krsna book that day if you miss..
* Guru means simply repeating
* understanding SB-1 verse takes 7 months or 1,500 years for whole thing
* Street kirtan is all auspicious for all
* How he began in NY with a tom tom drum-no prasadam at all
* Benefit of selling one book
* How to see God everywhere
* When we see God everywhere then we dont need a temple
* Having this body is like piling up garbage
Go ahead and dive in…..
Why we choose to remain in this material world, life after life-SP

Wednesday March 7th -The appearance day of Lord Gaurahari

8 different forms of Lord Gauras Names

gauraù sac-caritämåtämåta-nidhir gauraà sadaiva stuve gaureëa prathitaà rahasya-bhajanaà gauräya sarvaà dade gauräd asti kåpälur atra na paro gaurasya bhåtyo ’bhavam gaure gauravam äcarämi bhagavan gaura prabho rakña mäm
Srila Prabhupada’s SB classes-summary file–VOLUME 5 P:II
Hare Krsna to All
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Below we have part 2/of 4 parts of Vol 5 of the Srimad Bhagavatam lectures by Srila Prabhupada.
I am sending this out in 4 parts so as not to overwhelm anyone by the sheer masiveness of the siksa contained in our Jagat Gurus bhasyas of this sacred and ancient text.
So here it is…..
Damaghosa das
Some topics covered below:
* Scientists dont pray to God for permission to go to moon planet,
but when in personal danger-THEN they pray.
German women prayed to God for their menfolk to come back from the war-but did
not come back, so they became atheists.
* car civilization they think is so advanced, but comes with millions of major problems.
Happy village life with pracically no problems they call that “primitive”.
* vedic civilization had no petrol or food problems
* Evolution means evolution of consciousness
* devotees who preach are the Lords weapons
* How to overthrow the govt
* before coming to KC look at a photo of your face and compare to now
* Vedic life-regulated-now nobody is regulated therefore so many diseases, problems
* Vedic life was one of independence.
* material opulence not good for spiritual life
* namabhasa stage(without offense in canting) is mukti