741221SB.BOM                    Lectures
So we have come to this material world. Krsna is always anxious to get us  back to home, back to Godhead. Therefore He comes. Yada yada hi dharmasya  glanir bhavati. What is that dharma? That dharma is not this dharma, Hindu  dharma, Mussulman dharma. No. That dharma is sarva-dharman parityajya mam  ekam saranam vraja.[surrender] That’s… So in this way, our  position, although we are both in this material world, one is the controller;  one is the controlled. And the one who is controlled by the prakrti, by  the material nature, if he accepts to be controlled by the Supreme  Personality of Godhead, then his controlling by the material nature upon him,  that is finished, no more control. Mam eva ye prapadyante mayam etam  taranti te. This is perfection of life.At the present moment we are being controlled every second, every  step. Padam padam yad vipadam. Every step there is danger. This  control means punishment. You cannot expect very good treatment in the  prison life. So this is prison life, conditioned life. So you cannot  expect any good treatment by the material nature because her business is  to punish us.
That is the business so that we can enquire that “Why I am being  punished?” That is required. That “why” philosophy is very important. That is  the beginning of human life. But we are so dull, in spite of being kicked  every moment by material nature, that “why”
question is not coming, so dull-headed. And we are advanced  in designation.    Thank you very much. Hare Krsna. (end)
Some pictures below of yesterdays Saturday feast program-nobody is  getting
punished or kicked here—its all chanting, dancing, and feasting-such a  sublime
way to live out ones life. And the fortunate ones will take it.
Hare Krsna
Damaghosa das
Here Bhakta Andy is offering Srila Prabhupada a garland he made of  flowers from
his own garden and brought to our temple-such a nice service  he  offers by this.
Here below Daria devi dasi is offering her homemade popsicles  to the  devotees
made from our plums and strawberries out back-simply delicious!
Gaura Nityananda got a new addition to this outfit-Daria stayed up very  late and finished
some chartreuse effulgences for the Deities. And of course the flowers,  especially
at this time of year are gorgeous self effulgent and super  fragrant
Its hard to show from  photographs, but  you  have to  really  look hard to see the
Deities thru all the flowers in front of Them.