Hare Krsna to All
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Below we have part 2/of 4 parts of Vol 5 of the Srimad Bhagavatam lectures by Srila Prabhupada.
I am sending this out in 4 parts so as not to overwhelm anyone by the sheer masiveness of the siksa contained in our Jagat Gurus bhasyas of this sacred and ancient text.
So here it is…..
Damaghosa das
Some topics covered below:
* Scientists dont pray to God for permission to go to moon planet,
but when in personal danger-THEN they pray.
German women prayed to God for their menfolk to come back from the war-but did
not come back, so they became atheists.
* car civilization they think is so advanced, but comes with millions of major problems.
Happy village life with pracically no problems they call that “primitive”.
* vedic civilization had no petrol or food problems
* Evolution means evolution of consciousness
* devotees who preach are the Lords weapons
* How to overthrow the govt
* before coming to KC look at a photo of your face and compare to now
* Vedic life-regulated-now nobody is regulated therefore so many diseases, problems
* Vedic life was one of independence.
* material opulence not good for spiritual life
* namabhasa stage(without offense in canting) is mukti
740709SB.LA Lectures
Prabhupada: When they are in danger they pray to God for safe and
sound, but when they go to the moon planet: “We are scientist.”
(laughter) Just see how much foolish they are! When they go to the
moon planet, at that time, “God give us permission, we may go”? No.
“We are scientists. (laughter) We don’t care for God.” But when they
are in danger, “God save us.” (laughter) Just see what kind of
scientists they are. This is practical. I am very glad that our Doctor
Svarupa Damodara has mentioned this in his book, Scientific Basis of
Krsna Consciousness….
Saba means “all.” At that time… Just like in the last war,
Second…, last war, when everything was in danger, Mr. Churchill
started this movement B(?), and they were all going to churches–when
the situation was very grave. And in Germany especially, because war
was very, going on very seriously, so there was no men, so all the
women, they went to the church and pray God, somebody… Woman means
husband, son or father… Prayed, “Let my father come back” or “Let my
husband come back” or “my son.” But nobody came back. So they became
atheist. This is the version of my one German Godbrother friend. So he
said that all of them became atheists. Why? They prayed so much to get
back their husband or son or father: nobody came back. “Then there is
no God.” This is their conclusion. That means, “God is our order
supplier. God is our servant.” Just like I ask my servant or my
disciple, “You do this,” and he must do it. We cannot accept God like
that. God is neither going to be your servant.
So those who are going to religious life, making God as their
servant, they will be failure. You must approach God as master. You
should become servant. The so-called religionist, they accept God as
their order-supplier servant: “I must pray to God.” Whenever there is
some inconvenience, “I must pray,” or “I must… ” Not “must.” “At
that time I shall pray, and then I shall finish that prayer, and God
must supply. If God does not supply, then there is no God.” This is
the general attitude. But that should not be done. The real religion
is, as Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita, is sarva-dharman parityajya
mam ekam. First of all surrender. Then talk of mercy and this or that.
Also, although God is very merciful, even those who are simply asking
from God, not prepared to give anything, God is merciful, even though
740117SB.HAW Lectures 217739/530501
They’re dealing with petrol
problem. Just see. Petrol problem, you have created another problem.
Already there is problem. You have created, by so-called civilization,
petrol problem. Before these motorcars, the people were living very
happily. They were transporting. But there was no such civilization
that for your earning livelihood you have to go hundred miles away
from your home to work there. Therefore you require vehicle. Then you
require petrol. Then you require so many nice road. So many things
will be. But formerly, it was village. They will take it, “This is
primitive.” But remaining primitive, you were more happy than becoming
so-called civilized, creating so many problems. You have already
problems, but people are so rascal, so blind, they do not see to the
real problem. They artificially create problem and try to solve it.
Instead of touching the real problem, that is set aside….
This question I asked… Professor
Kotovsky. I asked him that “Where is the difference of philosophy
between your Communist philosophy and our Krsna consciousness
philosophy? You have to accept one chief man, that Lenin or Stalin,
and we have also selected one chief man, or God, Krsna. So you are
following the dictates of Lenin or Stalin or Molotov or this or that.
We are following the philosophy or the instruction of Krsna. So on
principle, where is the difference? There is no difference.” So the
professor could not answer that. You cannot conduct your daily affairs
without being dictated by somebody else. That is to be accepted.
So that is the law of nature. So nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam.
Then why don’t you accept the supreme authority? This subordinate
authority… We have to accept somebody as our leader. It is not
possible that we can live without leadership. That is not possible. Is
there any party, is there any school, or is there any institution that
they’re conducting without any chief leader or director? Can you show
me any instance throughout the whole world? Is there any instance? No.
Just like from our camp somebody has left, but he has accepted
Gaurasundara or Siddha-svarupa Maharaja as chief. The principle is
there, that you have to accept one chief. But intelligent is that
which, what kind of leadership we shall accept. That is knowledge. We
have to accept the servitorship or underhand, to become underhand of
some person. So the intelligence is that “Whom we have to accept?”
That, there lies intelligence: “What kind of leader we shall accept?”
So our principle is that Krsna should be accepted as the leader
because Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita, mattah parataram nanyat
kincid asti dhananjaya. Krsna is the supreme leader. Eko bahu…,
…And why father is the leader? Because he earns, he maintains the
children, wife, servant, and establishment; therefore naturally, he’s
accepted the leader of the family. Similarly, you accept the President
Nixon as the leader of your country because in dangerous time he gives
direction, in peace time he gives direction. He’s always busy how to
make you happy, how to make without any cares, anxiety. This is duty
of the President. Otherwise, why you select one President? Any man can
live without any President, but no, it is required.
So similarly, the Veda says, nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam.
There are two sets of living entities. One… Both of them are nitya.
Nitya means eternal. And cetana means living entity. So nityo nityanam
cetanas cetananam. This is the description of God, that God is also a
living entity like you and me. He’s also living entity. Just like you
see Krsna. What is the difference between Krsna? He has got two hands;
you have got two hands. He has got one head; you have got one head.
You have got… He has got two legs; you have got two legs. You can
also keep some cows and play with them; Krsna also. But the difference
is there. What is that difference? Eko yo bahunam vidadhati kaman.
That one Krsna, although He’s similar in so many ways with you,
similarity, but one difference is there–He is maintaining every one.
… So in the Vedic civilization there was no such problem as petrol
problem and food problem or… No. The problem was whether the
civilization was going nicely, whether the human civilization is
making progress toward the ultimate goal of life, not to bother with
the temporary problems. Temporary problems has been described in the
Bhagavad-gita, tams titiksasva bharata. Matra-sparsas tu kaunteya…
…equire so many. So problem is there. So Krsna is saying, “My dear
arjuna, problems there will be.” This is material world. You cannot
avoid problems. But you should tackle with the main problem, not the
insignificant or temporary problem. That is the instruction of
The main problem is janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi. That is main problem.
o our cultivation of knowledge, advancement of civilization, should
e on the basis of solving the main problems, janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi,
ot the temporary problem. For the temporary problems, it is advised
hat the temporary problems, they come and go. Just like nowadays
here is the petrol problem. Petrol is there, but because the Arabians
re restricting supply, it has become a problem. So there are, as soon
s there will be some peace agreement between the Arabians and others,
his problem will be solved. Take for example. Best example is given
n the Bhagavad-gita, sitosna-sukha-duhkha-dah. You can solve your
etrol problem, but you can never solve the problem of winter and
ummer. That will come and go. So it is not that winter will remain
or good, or the summer will remain for good. Agamapayino ‘nityah.
hey will come and go away. So don’t be bothered about them. If you
eel botheration, just try to suffer or tolerate….
…in the Bhagavad-gita, sitosna-sukha-duhkha-dah. You can solve your
petrol problem, but you can never solve the problem of winter and
summer. That will come and go. So it is not that winter will remain
for good, or the summer will remain for good. Agamapayino ‘nityah.
They will come and go away. So don’t be bothered about them. If you
feel botheration, just try to suffer or tolerate. That is not your
real problem. Real problem is how to stop the birth, death, old age
and disease, and that is Vedic civilization, and that is depending on
the brahminical culture.
740118SB.HAW Lectures 217832/530501
So the evolution means developed consciousness, and according to
the developed consciousness, one gets a particular type of body. This
is nature’s law. Prakrteh kriyamanani gunaih karmani sarvasah,
ahankara-vimudhatma kartaham… The evolution means evolution of
consciousness. The same child, when he’s… He’ll get a different
body. Just like a female child. By evolution, means when she gets
another body, youthful body, her consciousness is different. If you
get the body of a pig, your consciousness is different from the
consciousness of a man. A pig will very easily eat stool, but a human
being will not eat. Similarly, in every behavior… Just like we,
Krsna conscious people, we have given up intoxication. Now, if
somebody comes and bribes and offers some money that “You take this
one thousand dollars and drink,” you’ll not agree. Because your
consciousness is developed. So evolution is not of the body. Evolution
of consciousness. And as your consciousness develops, you get a
particular type of body. Yam yam vapi smaran bhavam tyajaty ante
kalevaram. Therefore, the evolution should be of the consciousness.
And this is Krsna consciousness. When you come to Krsna consciousness,
then your life is perfect. And fully Krsna conscious, then you, after
giving up this body–tyaktva deham punar janma naiti, no more material body.
… So this is going on. This is called illusion. He has no connection
with all these things. When one realizes that “I have no connection
with this body, this country, this wife, these children, this soc…
They’re all illusory,” that is called liberation. That is called
…some way or other. Now, in this age, they’re already dead. So if Krsna
comes to kill them with sudarsana-cakra and sword, they will not be
profited. Therefore, these are the astras, these are the swords: the
devotees of Lord Krsna who are preaching Krsna consciousness. They are
the Lord’s weapon. And they’re getting victory.
Sangopangastra-parsadam. So those who are intelligent, su-medhasah,
they will worship this form of God in this Kali-yuga. And what is the
process of worshiping? Yajnaih sankirtana-prayaih.
Devotee– So is it not possible in this age for devotees to
overthrow government?
Prabhupada: Yes, if you become all devotee, it is very easy. Because
nowadays, the “government of the people, by the people.” So if the
people are Krsna conscious, naturally the government will be Krsna
conscious. And if you are fools and rascals, the government will be
fools and rascals. Because government is the representative of the
people. You have got the opportunity because nowadays, democracy, that
“government for the people, by the people.” Is not that? So if you are
Krsna conscious, naturally the government will be, because government
is by the people, for the people. So not that kind of revolution. So
if you make a revolution of this sankirtana movement, everyone
chanting and dancing, the government will be changed immediately. So
push this movement.
Prabhupada: Before coming to Krsna consciousness, see the photograph
of your face and now see. Practical. But if you deviate, if you fall
down again, that is your business. But if you strictly follow the
rules and regulations and chant Hare Krsna, you’ll go forward, nobody
can check it. Thank you very much. (end)
740712SB.LA Lectures 217859/530501
In this Kali-yuga everything is topsy-turvied. The Vedic way of
life… For living condition, we require to eat, we require to take
bath, we require to sleep, we require to have sex also. Everything
must be in regulative principle. Because human life means regulative
principles. Unfortunately, the human life has become irregulated than
the animals. This asana, pana, vasah, and snana, and sexual
intercourse, there is, at the present moment, there is no regulative
principle. The Vedic principle is early in the morning one must take
bathing, then worship the Deity, read Vedic literature, mantra, then
offer foodstuff to the Deity, then take prasadam. Everything is
regulative principle. And it is the duty of the government to see that
these regulative principles are being observed by the citizens. This
is government.
740712SB.LA Lectures 217860/53050
higher class, brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. Sudra cannot live
independently. That is sudra. Nowadays the education is that nobody
can live independently. Higher education means if he does not get a
suitable service, then it is useless. Nobody. The education means
nobody can live independently. So one takes titles in education
degrees, “agriculturist.” But he does not go to the field actually to
act as agriculturist, krsana, no. He is finding some job in some
school, college, how to teach agriculture. Nobody goes to the land
practical, how to plow the land, how to produce foodgrains. Simply
theoretical knowledge. “I am teaching you; you are teaching,” that’s
all. This is going on. No independence….
…government officers. And further it is explained in the
Srimad-Bhagavatam, Twelfth Canto: kriya hina… They are not following
the rules and regulation of ksatriya or brahmana. Still they are
claiming to become brahmana, ksatriya or vaisya. And there is a
mercantile class nowadays, interested in business, but business is one
of the items of the vaisya. The first business is to become
agriculturist. Vaisya. Vaisya class, they are meant for making
arrangement for our eating. That is also required. Ksatriya is meant
for give us protection. And the brahmana means to give us the ideal
life, what is the goal of life, and sudras, they cannot do anything of
these… Therefore they are sudra.
So in the Kali-yuga the sudras… Sudra means the last. Less than
sudra, the candala, they are taking the part of ksatriya or brahmana
or vaisya. That is the effect of this Kali-yuga. Therefore it is very
740119SB.HAW Lectures 217890/530501
Because here in this material world, the more we possess material
wealth, it is our bondage. Aham mameti. Because our bondage is we are
entrapped here by material opulences. Material opulences are not very
good for spiritual advancement.Just the Western people, they are
materially advanced. They possess… They do not possess, but their
energy is utilized for converting things from one shape to another,
that much, the energy being wasted. It is good credit for you,
materially, that you have so nice cars, nice skyscraper buildings, and
so many nice things you have created. That is good credit–good credit
materially. Spiritually, it is not good credit. Spiritually, it is
waste of energy, waste of energy. Because however nicely you have made
all these material facilities, amenities, you cannot stay here. You
cannot… You have got a certain amount of energy. So that energy is
meant for some other purpose. So your energy not being utilized for
the real purpose of life, if you utilize it for increasing your
so-called material happiness… Actually, they have not become happy.
Otherwise, why so many young boys and girls, they are disappointed?
Because this kind of advancement will not make us happy. That is a
fact. Therefore, if you waste your energy for things which are not
wanted, then you are not advancing, you are being defeated. That they
do not know.
That is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Parabhavas tavad
abodha-jato yavan na jijnasata atma-tattvam. Parabhava. Parabhava
means defeat. Tavat, “so long.” All activities of the materialistic
person are simply defeat. Parabhavas tavad abodha-jatah. Abodha.
Abodha means fools, rascals, ignorant, born foolish rascals, ignorant.
We are all born foolish. So if we are not properly educated, then we
remain fools and rascals, and the activities of fools and rascals,
bhagyavan jiva. We are placing our program… Because His name is
anumanta. Without His sanction, you cannot have anything. Just like I
am moving this hand. It is by His sanction. As soon as He stops His
sanction, immediately paralyzed. And still, we are proud, “I have got
my hand. I have got my eyes.” What is the use of your eyes? Unless God
helps you to see, what is the value of your eyes? Practically you see.
Unless there is sunshine, what is the value of your eyes? So but
still, are so fool, we are thinking, “Can you show me God?” And what
power you have got to see. First of all consider. Then you’ll see God.
You cannot see even what, ordinary things, what to question of seeing
So this is called foolishness. He does not consider that “I am
seeing under certain conditions, and if still…, I am so much proud
of possessing my eyes.” This is called foolishness, abodha-jatah. And
In the Upanisads it is said that “When God sees, you can see….
Bali-mardana: I believe I’ve heard you said in other lectures that a
person who takes prasadam, even a plant or a…, any kind of living
entity who takes prasadam or hears the name, that it will come back at
least to human form of life. Is that correct?
Prabhupada: No, if he’s devotee, then he’ll come. But this taking of
prasadam, or hearing Hare Krsna mantra is advancement for becoming a
devotee. But if he takes prasadam not as ordinary prasadam, foodstuff,
he believes that “This is remnants of foodstuffs given to God,” if he
understands this philosophy, then guaranteed.
Devotee (2): Prabhupada, how can one know whether he’ll be going back
home to Godhead in this life?
Prabhupada: Yes, believe in Krsna. He gives His word. Janma karma ca
me divyam yo janati tattvatah. Krsna says, “Anyone who understands Me
in truth,” tyaktva deham punar janma naiti, “he doesn’t accept any
more material body; he comes to Me.” That’s it. The guarantee is
there. So you try to understand Krsna. If you do not understand
anything more, if you simply accept it without any hypocrisy, that
“Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He’ll protect me. Let me
serve His lotus feet as far as possible,” this much qualification is
sufficient. But if you have got still doubt about Krsna, then you try
to understand Krsna. Be without any doubt that Krsna is the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. Then your everything is guaranteed. Tattvatah.
Therefore Krsna says, yo janati tattvatah. Where is Bhagavad-gita?
Here? Eh? You should keep all these books ready for reference.
740713SB.LA Lectures 217941/53050
wife, she’s also… Actually, according to strict moral instruction..
Why strict? Ordinary. Any woman except his own wife is mother. Any
woman. It doesn’t matter whether she is elderly or young. No. That is
the way. Still in India, any woman by unknown person, he can address
any woman “Mother.” The first relationship is mother. Now they have
introduced “Sister,” “Bahinaji.” No, that is not Vedic etiquette. No
bahinaji. Bahinaji means sister. Mother. Everyone should be addressed
We should learn this. Except one’s one wife, all women should be
addressed as “Mother.” This is civilization. Then there will be no
corrupt relation. If you, from the very beginning, you establish your
relationship with other women as mother, then there is no question of
other relationship.
740713SB.LA Lectures 217950/530501
kaunteya sitosna-sukha-duhkha-dah. The, the worldly pains and
pleasure–what is due to? It is due to this material body.
Matra-sparsah. Matra means the skin. Because we have got this skin, in
winter, the water is there, we feel pain, pinching. And because it is
summer, the same water–pleasing. So the condition of the skin,
according to the season, is changing. Therefore we are feeling pains
and pleasure. Otherwise there is no pain, pleasure. Just try to
understand. Because we are covered by the skin, therefore we are
feeling pains and pleasure. If you become uncovered, free from the
skinly covering, then there is no pains and pleasure.
So that is our main business, how to get out of this material body
of skins and bones. That is real business. But these rascals, they do
not know what is real business. They want to maintain the skin and
bone by another skin and bone. That is their program. So it is foolish
740121SB.HAW Lectures 218048/530501
parityajya mam ekam saranam… Sarva-dharman. This is also dharma. So
just like people are engaged formally. Their temple, church, is
sometimes, simply formality. Real, their real business is how to
satisfy their senses. “If for satisfying my senses I’ll have to pose
myself as a religious person, so let me do that.” That is their
religion. But that is not religion. Real religion is no sense
satisfaction, simply to satisfy the Supreme Lord. That is real
religion. …..
740121SB.HAW Lectures 218054/530501
is dharma, discipline, to abide by the state laws. There must be some
discipline. Similarly, to make yourself advanced in spiritual life,
you must have to observe the discipline. Without discipline, it is not
possible. Adau gurvasrayam. Therefore Rupa Gosvami says in his
Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu that discipline means, one who observes
discipline, he is called disciple. Everyone knows it. Disciple means
one who observes discipline. If one does not observe discipline, then
he is not a disciple. And one who is not a disciple, his life is
chaotic. He cannot be happy. Therefore Vedas say that “You must accept
a bona fide guru and become disciplined under his instruction.” Then
you’ll know the higher system of knowledge, the necessity of life, and
thus you become happy.
740121SB.HAW Lectures 218065/530501
So tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet. So there, how to learn
from guru, that is also stated. Tad viddhi: try to learn from him…
Tad viddhi pranipatena. First of all surrender yourself. You cannot go
to any person for learning anything where there is no sense of
surrender. I accept a guru, but in my mind I remain independent, “Oh,
why shall I abide by the orders of guru?” That means there is no
surrender. There is no surrender. It is false. It is just to satisfy
some motive, but that will not help. If you have got any duplicity in
your mind, then you’ll never be successful in any field of activities.
So the process is… Tad viddhi pranipatena. Must be surrendered.
Pranipata means prakrsta-rupena nipata. And therefore, unless you find
somebody where you can fully surrender, don’t accept guru. That is
cheating. Unless you are fully confident that “I am surrendering to
this person. He is… Actually he is superior to me. He can give
proper knowledge…”
….begins with the tongue. Just see. Atah sri-krsna-namadi na bhaved
grahyam indriyaih. You cannot understand what is God, what is Krsna,
His name, His activities, namadi… Namadi means name, form,
qualities, activities, pastimes, entourage, so many things, adi.
Therefore… Just like we are chanting Hare Krsna, but we cannot
understand what is the meaning of Hare Krsna. We cannot understand.
Namadi. Na bhaved grahyam indriyaih. Indriyaih means the senses. There
are so many people are hearing this sound vibration, but why they’re
not becoming Krsna conscious? Because there is no seva, there is no
service. Therefore it is said, atah sri-krsna-namadi na bhaved grahyam
indriyaih. But how it will be perceived by the indriyas? Sevonmukhe hi
jihvadau. By service. And wherefrom the service begins? It begins
jihvadau, beginning with the tongue, beginning with the tongue. This
is the service.
So it is a great science, how by tongue… Actually, our, this
Krsna consciousness movement is to teach people how to engage the
tongue in the service of the Lord. This is Krsna consciousness. We are
requesting everyone, “Chant Hare Krsna.” That is beginning with
tongue. “And take prasadam and go home.” That’s all. Philosophy later
on. Philosophy later on. Because, unless one has got clear brain,
unless has actually the senses, purified, one cannot take the lesson
of the Krsna consciousness movement. Just like this is philosophy. One
cannot understand the lessons which are given in the
Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita… Therefore in the beginning we do
not ask anybody, outsider, that “Read Bhagavad-gita or…” No. “Please
come, chant with us Hare Krsna.” That is required. Chant Hare Krsna
and you will feel. You’ll feel. Because this method will cleanse your
heart. The more you chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra, the more you become
fit to understand the philosophy of Krsna consciousness. That is the
process. Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau.
740130SB.TOK Lectures 218205/530501
Just like in religious system, in any religious system, the killing
of animal there is. In every religious system, there is. But why there
is this killing of a living entity? It is not good. But why in the
religious system there is permission for killing animal? So that is
explained. The (sic:) explainant is, that a person who is a staunch
meat-eater, he cannot give up meat-eating, so… At the same time he
wants to be religious. This is the position. For such person it is
enjoined, just like in Vedic system, “All right, if you want to eat
meat, at the same time you want to become religious, then you worship
Goddess Kali. You cannot worship Visnu.” Because he’s a meat-eater he
cannot approach pavitram paramam bhavan. The Supreme Personality is
the supreme pure. So this meat-eater is impure. He cannot approach the
pure. That is not possible. Therefore he is advised to approach some
agent of the pure, some sakti, or just like Goddess Kali. Goddess Kali
is the sakti or the agent, potency. She has got also business: to cut
the heads of the demons. You have seen the Goddess Kali’s picture,
munda-mala. She’s garlanded with the heads of the demons. Have you
seen? Any one of you?
740123SB.HAW Lectures 218110/530501
stage of perfection. In the beginning there may be offenses, but if we
try to avoid the offenses, then it is namabhasa. Namabhasa means not
actually pure name, but almost pure. Namabhasa, and suddha-nama. When
one chants suddha-nama, name, holy name of God, then he is on the
platform of loving platform with Krsna. That is the perfectional
stage. And in namabhasa stage, not in pure, marginal, between pure and
offensive, that is mukti. You become mukta, liberated from material
bondage. And if we chant offensively, then we remain in the material
►740130SB.TOK Lectures
… how to approach him? Tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena. By
surrendering, by giving service, and questioning. Question must be
preceded and followed by…, preceded by surrender, and followed by
service. In the middle, there may be question. Therefore, yasya
prasadad bhagavat-prasadah, we have to please the spiritual master by
service and surrender, and then it will be very nice position. If the
spiritual master sees that the … will be very liberal and
convincing, and he will be very glad to answer the question, if it is
supported by these two things: surrender, and pariprasnena, and
sevaya. Tad viddhi pranipatena. The first beginning is pranipata.
740130SB.TOK Lectures
on earth. Is that happening now in some other material universe, the
same battle?
Prabhupada: Yes.
Devotee (3): Can we enter into that, or see that?
Prabhupada: Yes, if you go there.
Devotee (3): We have to… We leave the universe. But then we are
associating directly with Krsna and Arjuna?
Prabhupada: Yes. You can associate with Krsna and Arjuna every
twenty-four hours, by reading Bhagavad-gita. Why you require to go
there? It is already here. You see. You read the Bhagavad-gita, and
you are immediately in the battlefield of Kuruksetra. His is
instructing. That was the instruction.