“…So the purpose was that this material world is only a manifestation, exhibition, of one-fourth energy of Kṛṣṇa. And within this material world, there are so many universes. And each and every universe, there are so many planets. So this is one of the planets, in which we are living. And in this planet, there are so many cities—Calcutta, Bombay, Madras, Delhi, Paris, London, and so many, hundreds and thousands. And each and every city, there are newspapers. And each newspaper is publishing three, four editions daily. So this is the most insignificant planet, still, there are so many news to hear. Therefore it is said here, śrotavyādīni rājendra nṛṇāṁ santi sahasraśaḥ [SB 2.1.2] = “Millions and millions subject matter for hearing.”
This is a fact. Every paper is publishing three, four editions daily, especially in the Western countries. So if they have got so much news in the material world in this insignificant planet, just imagine how much news are there in the three-fourth manifestation of His energy.
So my Guru Mahārāja said that “You are surprised, Mr. Marabhya, that we are publishing a paper daily. So we can publish every minute a paper. Unfortunately, there is no customer.” They have customer for news in this newspaper, but our news, we have to canvass, “Will you kindly take this? Will you kindly take this?” They are not interested. They’re interested in this material news—radio, paper, magazine, edition after edition. Therefore it is said… This is the meaning of śrotavyādīni rājendra nṛṇāṁ santi sahasraśaḥ [SB 2.1.2].
So they have no time to read a little news we are giving about God in the Back to Godhead. They have no… Why? Now, apaśyatām ātma-tattvam [SB 2.1.2]. They do not know what is ātmā, what is the active principle of all these activities. They do not know…”
An Excerpt from the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 2.1.2
Paris, June 11, 1974
Audio for this lecture: https://prabhupadavani.org/transcriptions/740611sbpar/
Compiled by,
Balarama dasa