When a soul does not surrender to God or Krishna, he lives full of ignorance and acts in the false ego possessed by the illusion of “I” and “mine”. Such a person is considered a mean rogue, because he is believing that he is the creator, that the world is his, that he is the creator of his destiny and the enjoyer of the fruits of his activities; that he is his own protector and maintainer; that these are his wife, brothers, son and daughters, and that by his own effort he will be able to achieve all perfection and glory. Such people are proud of the power of their knowledge; not considering the control of the Lord, they believe that by their own brain they can increase and expand the arts and science.
In Srimad Bhagavatam it is said that one should not to be a father, mother, public leader and spiritual master, if you are not able to free your dependents from the cycle of birth and death. The cause of all the violence in the world on a personal and collective level is the false ego.
These people, if they can hear the glories of the Name of God or Krishna, they do not believe them but they do so out of social custom. Being hypocrites and cheaters, they may chant the shadowed Name, but they will never attain prema or pure love for God or Krishna. This offense is due to being strongly attached to maya or ignorance, and liberation is very difficult.
Believe the creator, the giver, the protector; possessor of a body and a house, offspring and a wife; feeling like a brahmana or priest or sudra or worker, husband or wife, king or citizen, all these have to be rejected. Ego means identity or personality and when we identify with something that we are not, that is called a false ego. The false ego is what binds us to this material world, now one can ask how I detach myself from the false ego?
When one serves a representative of God with faith, love, attachment and gratitude, the false ego disappears and one is situated in the true ego, and becomes an expert in happiness. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura always said that the false ego is very subtle, and the subtlest thing about the false ego is identification with religion, everyone says I am a Christian, I am a Muslim, I am a Jew, I am a Hindu, I am Hare Krishna , etc., but everything is pure hypocrisy. Nobody practices anything. The true ego is that I am an eternal spiritual soul, eternal loving servant of God and His devotees, and when one is situated in his constitutional position he is happy. If not, one lives in sheer ignorance there will be much suffering. One’s egoism must be aimed at going back to Godhead.
Written by,
Haripada dasa