Hear me my dear friends
our love never ends
to ever heal and mend
and lift us to transcend.

Simply believe the truth
we are loving servants me and you
within ourselves is all the proof
see within is all you have to do.

By hearing from him fully awake
to our love beyond this poison lake
Srila Prabhupada his most divine grace
reveals the path we must embrace.

Everyone pray to Srila Prabhupada
please take me on the path you trod
please accept me as your sold out dog
and let me hear your words from God.

Yes everyone pray to Prabhupada
O you who are fully self realized
I beg you please force open my eyes
to see whats seen by the pure and wise.

Pray O dearest preacher of Krishna God
Ac Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada
living in your law books to reveal our job
please kindly help me rise beyond all odds.

Pray O most worshipable guru of the universe
please let me hear all your most important words
so this ocean of suffering we may easily traverse
we must know in our hearts you always come first.

Yes pray O servant of the servant of Lord Krishna
O my dear eternal father and ever well wisher
we are fully dedicated to you birth after birth
to you ordered by Krishna to reveal our life’s worth.

No don’t stop praying our life is a prayer
to set the perfect example of living everywhere
by simply following our savior who loudly declares
just you obey Krishna’s laws with no faults or errors.

Yes life is a prayer we must live with great care
not waisting a moment for we have no time to spare
this is the sincerity to Krishna we must manifest
by just studying Prabhupada’s life most greatly blessed.

Born in to a family of pure devotee parents
he was enabled to appear to us pure and transperent
as the external manifestation of God or Krishna 
to train disciples how to leave this material existence.

Prabhupada was sent here by Lord Krishna above
to reveal to the world perfectly pure unalloyed love 
for he lives in his words, real disciples and pictures
and his purely translated authentic Vedic scriptures.

I believe it was Lord Jesus who revealed Him to me
because of my prayers for illumination most desperately
Lord Jesus entered my heart when I prayed for him to
and from there real life did start when I knew he was true.

Real life begins when we know them beyond sin
for us to aim in the only direction to win
over the obstacles that we have in this place
having forgotten Krishna we fell from grace.

And thus our only hope is Prabhupada’s scope
purely passed down through a pure disciplic succession
he sees always the Lord who must not be ignored
so possesses the full power to give perfect directions.

In conclusion my dear godbrothers and sisters
its our duty to bless souls with Prabhupada’s assistance
by knowing and distributing his books his greatest wishes
we are blessing the world with the world’s greatest riches.

And its best we cooperate as much as we can together
because Prabhupada said that is how we show him our love
he said we are his limbs that make all possible for him
so if we think were not his limbs is that not a sin?

He said Iskcon is me but is it really now
since Prabhupada departed us please tell me how?
it seems iskcon was stolen like Sita from Ramachandra
so now we have fake iskcon now fallen into blunder.

We know its only those who take Prabhupada seriously
who know just what happened not at all mysteriously
and behold it reveals even in our sacred scriptures
that all goes down when gone is the pure servant of Krishna.

But that is only for those who think he is gone
for Prabhupada’s real servants forever he lives on
most strongly through his texts he makes his readers blessed
to know our real problems are repeated births and deaths.

And so now its up to us to give up anger greed and lust
and come together to show the world our real must
we must wake up to see all life is one family under God
and our differences are illusions to behave just like dogs.

Yes we must take most seriously Lord Gauranga’s wake up call
and parade through the streets to spread God’s names to all
and trust all is possible when we perform this sacrifice
all wars can be diverted and the world can be paradise.

But if we remain asleep we only call all disaster
we heard this loudly preached by our spiritual master
if he had a few sincere disciples this world could be saved
but being absorbed in Maya this world becomes a grave.

One pure devotee Prabhupada said can save a universe
like most humble Jayananda always most eager to serve
he did not put down his fallen brothers he fed them prasad
and was always busy in the service of Srila Prabhupada.

This is our duty to praise pure devotees like him
who show us the way Prabhupada’s full mercy we win
everyone who met him loved him baring not his absense
this is the nature of the one who truly spiritually advances.

Now in seperation of Prabhupada I can’t help but beg
please return to me you made me live and know what is dead.
I now realize my most glorious days was when you were here
when oh when will I realize you really never disappeared.

I have no love nor devotion drowning in material emotion
still by remembering you I feel I’m stepping in a nectar ocean
please push me on O all victorious servant of Bhagavan
so I stop being like a crow and become just like a swan.

All I see is faults I can not see the good in all
like you could see to engage us in the service of Gopal
if not for you I would not be striving the right direction
because by the grace of God I saw in you all perfection.

Yes just because I saw you time then did stand still
you revealed to me a divine person is very very real
with out you Prabhupada I would only follow my mind
to nothing but distractions from life’s very goal divine.

So I beg you please stay with this cripple minded freak
and with you I believe I’ll climb the highest mountain peak
and overcome all obstacles to surrender to Krishna’s feet
but with out you I must most sadly remain in bed asleep.

Thank you for giving me something good to say
please come in closer is all that I can pray
please send your good servants to inspire me on
I can not stand alone with out going wrong.

I pray my readers got your blessings here
as I lean on you to speak what all must hear
the real purpose to life completely clear
chant Krishna’s holy names fully sincere.

Sincere meaning Lord engage me for Your pleasure
so I may realize life’s most precious treasure
service unto You my real love for ever and for ever
to know my real pleasure that grows forever better.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

Again we must thank Srila Prabhupada
for bringing us together to come closer to God
please do not leave me my most precious friends
I pray I did you service with a love to never end.

Written by,

Anubhava Ananda dasa