
730723BG.LON                    Lectures
Say,  a typewriter. So if you send the typewriter to the heaven, what does it mean?  It is to be worked as typewriter. Does it mean because it has gone to  heaven, the work has changed? No. The work will continue. Either in this hell  or heaven, typewriter will kat, kat, kat, kat. That’s all. Similarly, our position is servant. If you don’t become servant of  Krsna, then you serve, you become servant of your wife, your children, your  relative, your country, your nation, your dog. At last, if you have  no family, then you become servant of your dog. You know in your country it  is very usual. If he has nobody, then he keeps a dog, and takes it on the  street. His dog passes stool, and he is standing, waiting: “Yes, sir. You  pass your stool, I am waiting.” Just see. It is practical. If you don’t  become servant of Krsna, then you have to become servant of the dog. This is  nature’s way. Therefore intelligent person will take lesson from it, that  “I have to become servant. Why not become Krsna’s servant? Then I will  be happy. There are so many Krsna’s servants. They are so happy. Why shall  I remain the servant of the maya?”
70-07-18.Tri             Letter:  Tribhuvanatha
I am very glad to know that you have been staying for some months at our  London Temple in the association of our devotees. This is certainly the most  fortunate company for you and I know that if you maintain the association of  devotees your life will be happy and perfect. That is the version of the  sastra that the most important thing for spiritual realization is the company  of realized souls or pure devotees of the Lord.