2014 Gaura Purnima Festival-Snohomish Wa
March 26, 2014 in Damaghosa Dasa by Damaghosa dasa
March 26, 2014 in Damaghosa Dasa by Damaghosa dasa
March 26, 2014 in Damaghosa Dasa by Damaghosa dasa
March 26, 2014 in Articles by Yasoda nandana dasa
March 26, 2014 in Damaghosa Dasa by Damaghosa dasa
SB 4.21.31 P Lord Sri Krsna also says in Bhagavad-gita that simply by surrendering unto Him one is immediatelyrelieved of all sinful reactions. As Krsna takes away all the sinful
reactions of a person immediately upon his surrender unto Him, Read the rest of this entry →
March 26, 2014 in Damaghosa Dasa by Damaghosa dasa
March 26, 2014 in Damaghosa Dasa by Damaghosa dasa
March 26, 2014 in Damaghosa Dasa by Damaghosa dasa
Hare Krsna to all
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Up to now I have mostly been sending out the carrot-today is stick time
Damaghosa das
Sage Markandeya’s Predictions for Kali Yuga
The following translation of Mahabharata (Book 3, Vana Parva, Markandeya Samasya) is taken from the century old unabridged version by Kisari Mohan Ganguli. We have updated the English. –Ed.
King Yudhisthira said, “O foremost of all speakers, O Muni of Bhrigu’s race, that which we have heard from you about the destruction and re-birth of all things at the end of the yuga is wondrous indeed! I am filled with curiosity, however, in respect to what may happen in the Age of Kali. When morality and virtue will come to an end, what will remain? What will be the prowess of men in that age? What will they eat, and what will be their amusements? What will be the period of life at the end of the yuga? What also is the limit, having attained which the Krita Age will begin anew? Tell me all in detail, O Muni, for all that you are narrating is varied and delightful.”
Thus addressed, that foremost of munis Markandeya began his discourse again, delighting that tiger of the Vrishni race and the other sons of Pandu as well, saying, “Listen, O monarch, to all that has been seen and heard by me, and to all, O king of kings, that has been known to me by intuition from the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. O bull of the Bharata race, listen to me as I narrate the future history of the world during the sinful age.
March 26, 2014 in Articles, Yasoda nandana Dasa by Yasoda nandana dasa
Section D: No termination instruction for representatives ………. 4
March 26, 2014 in Mahesh Raja by Yasoda nandana dasa