Harming others

May 23, 2018 in Articles, Haripada dasa by Yasoda nandana dasa

Harming others, by Haripada dasa

People believe that true happiness is in harming others, the more harm you do to others, the happier you are, as 99’99 percent of people, parents and educational institutions think today. They have no interest in people living without harming others, people do not know how to live without harming others. Now there is bullying, a student with no reason to harass him to make life impossible, and sometimes the child is so desperate that he commits suicide, I have heard that in Spain they are introducing meditation in schools, because they have seen that children so small and they are full of anxieties. Let’s not forget that we live in the world of envy, all the activities of people are based on envy, Srila Prabhupada always said that people eat meat because they are very envious of animals, and it also says in the books that nobody can get to be a devotee of God or Krishna, without practicing nonviolence and morality.
The message of the Vedic literature is that come out of the darkness and come to light, I remember that when I distributed the first canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam, I showed the parents the painting that the activities of Kali yuga, animal killing, games of chance, illicit sex and drinking alcohol and getting high, and next to that darkness comes the light of godly life. Chanting the Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama , Hare Hare (the H is read as J de jota), devotional festivals, respect maha prasada, food offered to God or Krishna, etc., and I asked the parents you that you choose that life or the other for your children, and most stayed with the book. Srila Prabhupada says that the cause of all the chaos that we are living now is the lack of devotees of God or Krishna. The hypocritical people feel that they are good people, they go to the Churches, Temples and Mosques, but we see in practice that nobody knows neither loves God, and it is all pure deception. They have no interest in knowing and loving God.
The difference between a true devotee of God or Krishna and an ordinary person is that the devotee suffers when he sees others suffer. He leads a pure life and does not engage in sinful activities. He is always making arrangements to help people get out of the dark ignorance. But  an ordinary person is happy when he sees others suffering, from getting up until he goes to bed only he is doing sinful activities. The greatest suffering for that person is when he sees the devotees of God or Krishna happy chanting Hare Krishna and dancing full of devotional love. I share this message from the 7th chapter of the Nectar of devotion that says no pain to any living entity.
This is a comment found in The Mahābhārata: “A person who does not bother or cause pain in the mind of any living entity, who treats everyone as a loving father treats his children, whose heart is very pure, certainly he will very soon be favored by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. ” In the so-called civilized society, there is sometimes agitation against cruelty to animals, but at the same time regular slaughterhouses are always maintained. The devotee of God or Krishna is not like that. A devotee of God or Krishna will never be able to support the killing of animals, nor will he cause pain to any living entity.

The differences

May 18, 2018 in Articles, Haripada dasa by Yasoda nandana dasa

The differences, by Haripada dasa

I will try to expose the differences between the materialistic people and the devotees of God or Krishna. The materialists think badly of others and you will be right, they think so because they are full of envy, fear, doubt, fanaticism, speculation, prejudice and are full of sinful activities. The devotees of God or Krishna think that if I think badly of another devotee, then Krishna will kick my head with his lotus feet just as he did with Kaliya to take out all my poison. The materialists are scammers and deceivers, a man tells a woman that I love you very much, I would give my life for you. He has sex, the woman becomes pregnant and the man tells the woman that I’m not ready to be a father and leaves. That’s where everything is pure deception. Marriage in Krishna consciousness, man and woman help one another to please Krishna and His devotees, thus creating an atmosphere of peace and harmony, the most.
The politicians, here in Spain, there is a party that says that if they sent people to retire at age 60, they know that this is not possible, but they say it so that people vote, that is cheating. Devotees of Krishna do not deceive themselves or others, they are honest people and live with a lot of inner peace because they know that everything is of Krishna. Because He has created everything, they use everything to satisfy Krishna and His devotees, and have full faith that Krishna and His devotees are my best friends. The materialists do not know how to relate to each other, because the basis of their relationships is envy.  The devotees of Krishna relate to love and trust through these 6 transcendental activities: 1.- Offer gifts as charity, 2.- Accept charitable gifts, 3.- Reveal the mind confidentially, 4.- Ask confidentially, 5.- Accept prasada or food offered to Krishna and 6.- Offer prasada. (Upadesamrita, verse 4).
The materialists criticize the devotees of Krishna saying that because they do not eat meat, fish or eggs, because they do not engage in sexual activities like monkeys, because they do not play games of chance and because they do not take alcohol and drugs. We tell them thta to pursue a life full of sense gratification is like drinking poison W have already experienced before being devotees, but now we are experiencing a higher happiness. Therefore we have had two experiences in life, one is leading a full life of complacency of the senses and the other is a life full of love and devotion for Krishna and His devotees.

The books of Srila Prabhupada

May 14, 2018 in Articles, Haripada dasa by Yasoda nandana dasa

The books of Srila Prabhupada, by Haripada dasa

Srila Prabhupada’s books are no different from Srila Prabhupada, when one reads his books one is associating with Srila Prabhupada. He always said that one who obeys his instructions given in his books, one  will live with him. Some very strange people say that one should be having a living guru. I tell you, what happens when Srila Prabhupada and all the gurus of the parampara system are dead gurus? What happens is that when one goes to Vrindavana and prays to Srila Rupa Goswami in his samadhi, he does not listen your prayers?
Srila Prabhupada’s books are like the Sun that dispels all darkness. Srila Prabhupada’s books dispel all the ignorance of Kali yuga. Kali yuga is the sinful age, the dark age, the age of arguments, the age of hypocrisy and the era of quarrel. There is a prophecy that says that Srila Prabhupada’s books will be the law books for all mankind for the next 10,000 years. I remember a class in Los Angeles, USA, Srila Prabhupada said that the philosophy of the Krsna consciousness Movement is very easy, since we do not have to invent anything. We just repeat the message of the guru-parampara, that’s all. The message of the guru-parampara is eternal and is practiced with joy.
I will try to expose those eternal truths that Srila Prabhupada taught us. The first lesson to be understood and accepted is that we are not the temporary material body, but eternal spiritual souls. We are parts and portions of God or Krishna, and our happiness is in serving God or Krishna and His devotees. Srila Prabhupada, taught us that God is Krishna and he gave us a process to awaken our latent love that we all have for God or Krishna, As there is only God or Krishna and His energies in a natural way, when we love God or Krishna, we will love everyone and everything. He taught us that everything is from God or Krishna, because He created everything, and that a person becomes honest and wise when he uses everything to serve God or Krishna and His devotees.
He taught us that there is the spiritual world, and that the goal of human life is to go back home, back to Godhead. He taught us that the real problem are to become liberated from birth, death, old age and diseases. He taught us that the only spiritual process that exists in Kali yuga or the present era, is to chant the Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna , Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare (the H is read as J de jota), and taught us that the pure and intimate devotees of God or Krishna never die, they live eternally in their instructions, and those who obey his instructions live with them. When humanity obeys these eternal truths there will be peace and prosperity in the world.

Nobody controls you

May 9, 2018 in Articles, Haripada dasa by Yasoda nandana dasa

Nobody controls you, by Haripada dasa

I share that when I left Iskcon in 2008, I prayed to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna to please bless me so that if I feel that someone wants to control me immediately I break the relationship with that person. I want to live free and happy in Krishna consciousness, and by the grace of Srila Prabhupada and Krishna that’s how it has been. I had to break relationships with people who pretended to be friends, but behind me they criticized me and wanted to control me. Now by the grace of Srila Prabhupada and Krishna I feel free and happy in Krishna consciousness. I am going to tell a very interesting story. After Srila Prabhupada entered into his lila samadhi, Tamal Krishna invented that no one can go to Srila Prabhupada, but receive my mercy, the other gurus thought that if this invention of Tamal Krishna succeeds, we will not we will have disciples. Then all the gurus stayed with Tamal Krishna to speak with him in Los Angeles at the house of Nrisimhananda. There Tamal Krishna said that in reality Srila Prabhupada did not leave anyone as a guru, but ordered us to initiate the people in the name of Srila Prabhupada. In an artificial way we have become gurus, because we have the desire to control people.
That statement did not please anyone and they said that here we are all gurus. We are going to break all tapes that have been recorded with regards to this conversation. However, a devotee kept the tape without anyone noticing and that’s why these things are known. So the desire to control the others  is very strong in this world.   I heard that in the US Obama wanted to put a chip to all US citizens to control them. Thanks to the Evangelists who relied on the Bible saying that what Obama wants to do is the mark of the devil, and that it is prophesied in the Bible, and that stopped that idea.
It is not the same to be controlled by a person full of lust, greed and anger, than being controlled by Srila Prabhupada and by Krishna. The control of Srila Prabhupada and Krishna is full of pure goodness and transcendental love. That control is very pleasant, once he feels that he is an instrument in His hands, and everything that one does is full of pure goodness and transcendental love. There is no false ego and one acts in his constitutional position as eternal servant of Krishna and His devotees.

Partisan feelings and sectarianism

May 5, 2018 in Articles, Haripada dasa by Yasoda nandana dasa

Partisan feelings and sectarianism, by Haripada dasa
It is said in the prologue to the teachings of Lord Chaitanya, that He declared that partisan sentiments and sectarianism were the two great enemies of spiritual progress, I remember reading in the science of self-realization, that in a Vyasa Puja of his Gurudeva, Srila Prabhupada presented his Gurudeva not as the founder of the Gaudiya Matha, but as the Jagat Guru, the guru of the universe, by understanding and accepting this point all partisan sentiments and sectarianism disappear. It is very interesting that Srila Prabhupada says in The Bhagavad gita, 4, 42 that a spiritual master is in the disciplic succession from eternal time, this statement has a very deep meaning, Srila Bhaktisiddhatna Saraswati Thakura Prabhupada always said that there are two kinds of gurus , one sent by God or Krishna from the spiritual world to preach Krishna consciousness on all the planets of all the Universes, for example Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Srila Prabhupada, Budha, etc., these gurus are called authorized or Saktyavesa avatara and are in the chain of disciplic succession from eternal time, (BG, 4, 42), this kind of guru is for very serious and sincere people in the spiritual life, there are supposed disciples of these gurus who are called guru-druha, those people instead of serving his gurudeva with love and devotion, betray him, envy him and offend him, the future of these people is very dark, and as God has to please everyone and there is nta people who want to be deceived, there are false or unauthorized gurus, these people are made gurus by artificial means, without the authorization of the Acharya that preceded them and these people deceive themselves and others, and become very strange, envious, hypocritical, abominable and very dangerous, and the result of falling into their clutches is that your spiritual life is destroyed. False gurus speculate that you have to have a living guru, but I tell you that perhaps Srila Prabhupada and all the guru-parampara gurus are not living gurus, when Srila Prabhupada was asked who will be his successor when you die, Srila Prabhupada always answered that I will never die, I will live forever in my books, and those who obey my instructions will live with me.
I served in Iskcon from 1984 to 2008, I distributed Srila Prabhupada’s books in Spain, 16 Latin countries and in the USA, then I sent many messages to Iskcon’s leaders to rectify their mentality, I told them that we should help the people to know Srila Prabhupada and love him, so his spiritual life will achieve success, you are educating people to serve you and give you their love, that is pure false ego, Srila Bhaktisiddhatna Saraswati Thakura Prabhupada always said that a spiritual soul should never want another spiritual soul to serve it, Srila Prabhupada is the Jagat-guru, the guru of the Universe, the guru of all, because they do not preach that, the result was that nobody answered my messages, so it is better to pray than to criticize, now I pray to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna to obey Srila Prabhupada and so we will all be happy in Krishna consciousness, and all the partisan feelings and the sectarian ism will be finished.
In this link are the original books of Srila Prabhupada:
PrabhupadaBooks.com Srila Prabhupada’s Original Books

Angry Melechas

April 18, 2018 in Articles, Haripada dasa by Yasoda nandana dasa

Angry Mlechas, by Haripada dasa

It is said that the Acharya or spiritual master authorized by God or Krishna is softer than a rose and harder than a thunderbolt. Softer than a rose means that when he is satisfied with the service of his disciples he gives unlimited mercy and much nectar, but when he is displeased with his disciples he scolds them in a very harsh way. I share that I remember a class of Srila Prabhupada who said that I have given them the sacred thread that is worth a few paisas, but because of their behavior they look like irate mlechas, the mlechas are the lowest people in the culture of India. Once one of his disciples wrote a letter to Srila Prabhupada and told him that I have found a better guru than you, so give me your blessings to be with him, and Srila Prabhupada replied that there are my blessings, that you go to the hell and you never remember Krishna.
It is said that even the most intelligent people cannot understand the mentality of the Acharya or bona fide spiritual master authorized by God or Krishna, in the book of Krishna in the chapter entitled the prayers of the personified Vedas, it is said that God or Krishna and the Acharya or spiritual master authorized by God or Krishna live on the absolute plane. Absolute plane means pure goodness, and the neophyte devotees should never criticize the Acharya or spiritual master authorized by God or Krishna. A devotee told me that he was present there that once Puri Maharaja scolded very harshly the devotee who wrote the biography of Srila Prabhupada. The biography of Srila Prabhupada is 6 books of 400 pages each, the Maharaja told him that he had seen Srila Prabhupada from his point of view and not from the point of view of the Holy Scriptures, that is why he committed many offenses against Srila Prabhupada. TThe greatest offense he committed is that he said that Srila Prabhupada authorized his disciples to be gurus, the Maharaja told him that you know very well that Srila Prabhupada did not leave anyone as a guru but ordered them to be his representatives or ritviks, however you put it there that Srila Prabhupada authorized his disciples to be gurus, for that offense your destiny is very dark.
Srila Prabhupada said that the most important verse of the spiritual life is the one that says in the Upanisads that one who has full faith in the words of God or Krishna and full faith in the words of the Acharya or spiritual master authorized by God or Krishna, all Vedic knowledge is revealed to him.

The activities

April 12, 2018 in Haripada dasa by Yasoda nandana dasa

The activities, by Haripada dasa

We understand and accept that people who are absorbed in material life, begin to worship God or Krishna due to the fear of death. The lotus feet of God or Krishna are the perfect refuge, free from anxiety, They are the only means to cross over the boundless ocean of ignorance. In chapter four of the Bhagavad-Gita entitled transcendental knowledge, what is karma, vikarma and akarma is explained. Karma means any material action that has to attract a subsequent reaction, in other words, if a person harms a living entity, that same pain will have to suffer in his own person, vikarma means unauthorized and sinful activity, which is executes against the commands of the Revealed Scriptures and akarma means activity by which no reaction is suffered because it is performed in God consciousness or Krishna, that activity is called devotional service, and purifies the spiritual soul of all material contamination.
Today in the whole world there are great demonstrations and protests, it would be a good idea if the people were demonstrating and shouting to say that we are tired of living in ignorance, since ignorance is the cause of all suffering and conditioning, we want knowledge transcendental, because this knowledge is the cause of happiness and freedom. Srila Prabhupada always said that what people like the most is suffering and that they are deceived, they are fanatics of suffering and deception. When human society is directed by very demonic people, an atmosphere of ignorance and passion is created, and people do not have much enthusiasm to live in kindness, to live in goodness one has to develop these qualities: “Live happily in conscience of God or Krishna and be free, (The Truth will make you free) and be kind, tolerant, friendly with everyone, always respect everyone and never want to be respected, be truthful, pure of heart, conquer hunger, thirst, lamentation, envy and old age, do not deceive themselves or others, are happy when they see others happy in God or Krishna consciousness and suffer when they see others suffer and have as their best friends to God or Krishna and His representatives.
At no time do they forget God or Krishna and His devotees, in all moments of life they feel the protection of God or Krishna and His devotees. They live free from fear because their future is very bright and they know that they will go back home to God or Krishna. God or Krishna seizes them to make strange people good people. They use their selfishness to go back home to God or Krishna. They do not envy anyone because they live full of peace and satisfaction. They know God or Krishna and they love Him and as there is only God or Krishna and His energies naturally love everyone and everything.

A success

April 7, 2018 in Articles, Haripada dasa by Yasoda nandana dasa

A success, by Haripada dasa

At the end of the preface to the Bhagavad Gita Srila Prabhupada says that if a single man becomes a pure devotee of the Lord, we will consider our attempt as a success, and Srila Prabhupada achieved success, Jayananda prabhu practicing Krishna consciousness in a way strict, serious and sincere Prabhu, jayananda was a male devotee he became a pure devotee of Krishna, and when he left  his body in 1977 Srila Prabhupada said that  he went to Vaikuntha, to the spiritual world. Srila Prabhupada says in his books that there are devotees everywhere but they have forgotten, our mission is to educate pious people to know Srila Prabhupada and to love him, Srila Prabhupada says in his books that in this movement of consciousness Krishna, there are people who wear kuntis and japa but they are very envious, those people have to be ignored, Srila Prabhupada said that everything is in his books, and he also criticized his disciples many times saying that they do not study their books enough, if a person is an expert in Srila Prabhupada’s books, when he hears someone preach Krishna consciousness he will immediately detect if that person is transmitting Srila Prabhupada to others, or if  he is transmitting it to others.
We understand and accept that God or Krishna is the supreme mystic and I can do everything, in the Chaitanya Charitamrita, Antya lila, 3, 50 it is said that the scriptures say that the next ten thousand years will be of predominance of the movement for Krishna consciousness, but that, after that period, they will all become melechas and yavanas.

The Iskcon as it is

March 10, 2018 in Articles, Haripada dasa by Yasoda nandana dasa

The Iskcon as it is, by Haripada dasa

In The Iskcon as it is we understand and accept that Abhay Charanaravinda Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada is the Jagad-Guru, the Guru of the Universe and he is the only person authorized by God or Krishna to take us back home to God or Krishna. The Iskcon as it is is made up of people who with great enthusiasm and determination have decided to use their words, actions and thoughts to please Srila Prabhupada. They have full faith and are very convinced that if they please Srila Prabhupada, then Krishna will be pleased with them, and his return home, his return to God will be more than guaranteed.
In The Iskcon as we want nectar, we are convinced that the truth will set you free, it will always be better to pray for others than to criticize, the only way to eliminate evil on a personal and collective level, is through kindness, that which He does not live to serve, he does not serve to live and peace and well.
Al Iskcon as he is does not like to criticize anyone, in relation to this, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Maharaja Prabhupada, said: “Let the others do what they want, it does not concern me, I already have a lot of work chanting Hare Krishna purifying my damned mind. ” The plant of Bhakti feeds on nectar, not on rare stories, gossip, etc. We have very definite spiritual ideals, try to follow all the instructions given in the books of Srila Prabhupada, and help each other do the same, by doing this we live with Srila Prabhupada and acquire his qualities. Our love and service is for Srila Prabhupada, and we have full faith that Srila Prabhupada is the authorized person who will take us back home, back to Krishna.
In The Iskcon as devotees relate to love and trust through these 6 transcendental activities: 1.- Offer gifts as charity, 2.- Accept charitable gifts, 3.- Reveal the mind confidentially, 4.- Ask confidentially, 5.- Accept prasada and 6.- Offer prasada. (Upadesamrita, verse 4)
The 10 philosophical points that the Iskcon accepts as it is are:
1 .- We are not interested in the opinions of an ordinary person, ordinary people have four types of defects, the first defect is that it tends to make mistakes, another defect is to be in illusion, the third defect is the propensity to cheat and finally our senses are imperfect. Any opinion that is not the revealed truth, lacks all value, the revealed truth means, the truth, or writing that comes from a reliable source, the chain of disciplic succession formed by genuine spiritual teachers is the reliable source; since these people are self-realized and pure souls, and are free from the four aforementioned defects.

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Very strange and curious things

February 23, 2018 in Articles, Haripada dasa by Yasoda nandana dasa

Very strange and curious things, by Javier Figuerola or Haripada dasa
In this life I have seen very strange and curious things, I am going to share some of them.
I heard a news that several countries have made a giant device that costs 8 billion euros to launch it into space, what a strange and curious thing, here on Earth there are so many people who are dying of hunger and these people to satisfy the caprice of scientists spend 8 billion euros.
 There are many women who enthusiastically go to countries where children are starving, and what a strange and curious thing, and those same women when they get pregnant kill their children through abortion.
And the strangest and most curious thing is that people who have a lot of money build big houses, have nice cars, a bank account with many numbers, etc., they think that they will never die and that they will live here eternally, but we can forget that we have to die, but death does not forget, death always arrives at its right moment. Once Srila Prabhupada was talking to some theologians and telling them that God or Krishna will come in the form of death and take away everything, now understand God ?, Materialists and atheists experience God or Krishna at the time of death , and the devotees of God or Krishna experience God or Krishna at every moment of their lives through devotional service to God or Krishna and His devotees.