Reply To Rocana das’s Obnoxious Article

June 10, 2012 in Articles, Devaki nandana Dasa by Nityananda Rama dasa

Dear Rocana Prabhu (Sampradaya Sun Staff,etc)

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

In your recent article on June 7th 2012 “Hare Krishna Society and the Company They Keep” on you have mentioned some serious inaccuracies and practical vicious lies regarding Jitarati Prabhu’s defense of Sakshi Gopal das’s many blasphemous statements to Srila Prabhupada, Lord Krsna and the Scriptures in his many articles. (For the record, you spelled Jitarati Prabhu’s name incorrectly, it should be Jitarati das, and not Jiterati as you mentioned).

For your kind information, dear Rocana Prabhu, and the protection of your own spiritual life creeper (Bhakti lata bija), in order that you will not keep making so many unnecessary dangerous offences, please understand that the person who is mentioned in the article BIF, Sakshi Gopal das Blaspheme Lord Krishna, Srila Prabhupada, Bhagavad-gita as “Sakshi Gopal’s close associate and chief right(wrong) hand man” is NOT Jitarati Prabhu, but Shyamasundara das, the Australian devotee, first initiated by Uncle Bhavananda, then by UncleJagdish, and now defacto by Sakshi Gopal.

It is Shyamasundara das who has all along been supporting Sakshi Gopal in his direct blasphemy of Srila Prabhupada, Krsna and scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita by Srila Prabhupada and theSrimad Bhagavatam, in his article “Grand Theft Atma” which you can find here and in his website you can find two further articles titled “Elephant In the Room” and “Sex Drugs and Syphillis”

Rocana Prabhu, you yourself are also familiar with the above mentioned blasphemous articles written by Sakshi Gopal, but what you are ignorant of (or at least pretend to be ignorant of ) is that the editing, proof reading, responsibility for publishing, and follow up of responses to these blasphemous articles was all along done by Shyamasundara das who is the right hand man of Sakshi Gopal das, and who unfortunately aided and abetted Sakshi in his many heinous offences against Srila Prabhupada, Krsna and the Sastras.

Thus you, Rocana Prabhu, have knowingly/unknowingly supported these two dangerous blasphemous personalities all along, and to add salt to the injury, you have now falsely implicated an innocent devotee Jitarati Prabhu as being the person who was involved with Sakshi’s blasphemous articles. Again please note for the record and for maintainance of the truth, that Jitarati Prabhu did NOT have anything to do AT ALL with Sakshi Gopal and Shymasundara on these articles. Indeed Jitarati Prabhu had long distanced himself from Sakshi’s and Shyamasundar’s association since around 2007,even from the investigation of the Poison issue (which they had initially worked on together with someother devotees).

Quite the contrary and indeed completely opposite to what you claim about Jitarati Prabhu being involved in Sakshi’s blasphemous articles, it was Jitarati Prabhu, myself and a few other devotees who decided to response to Sakshi Gopal das’s blasphemous articles, and thus we in turn submitted to you the article BIF, Sakshi Gopal das Blaspheme Lord Krishna, Srila Prabhupada, Bhagavad-gita which you published in your website. We had mentioned the authors name in plurals “BY: A GROUP OF SRILA PRABHUPADA DISCIPLES AND FOLLOWERS” because we knew of your constant long allergy to us Rtvik devotees. We felt that if we had put our direct personal names, you would never bother to publish our article, as you had done with so many Rtvik devotees in the past when they submitted you their articles. In any case the article was a combined effort of a few devotees of which myself, and Jitarati Prabhu was a few amongst of, to counteract Sakshi and Shyamasundar’s blasphemy.

This silly and unecessary allergy of yours to us Rtvik devotees regardless ofwhether we are from the West Coast, East Coast, North Coast, South Coast, or from any part of the world should be completely given up by your good self, as it is only back firing on you. This is evidenced, because you have put your foot in your mouth by making these false and silly statements in public that Jitarati Prabhu was involved with Saksi’s blasphemous articles on Srila Prabhupada and Krsna. You have been caught red-handed with your hands stuck viciously in the cookie jar. Anyone who knows Jitarati Prabhu personally can see clearly what a total fool you have made of yourself, along of course with your foolishly concocted ‘Sampradaya Acarya ‘ philosophy which you have been preaching for so many years to so many devotees, but which till this day, only you can understand.

Indeed Rocana Prabhu , your pattern since these many years has always been to jump and seize on the slightest opportunity that you can get to put down the Rtvik devotees. This fact is shown in your latest article where you not only find fault with Jitarati Prabhu, but also Yasoda nandana Prabhu, Puranjana Prabhu, other West Coast Rtviks, and Madhu Pandit Prabhu in India who has accomplished so much in the field of preaching Srila Prabhupad’s teachings. Indeed these accomplishments would take you a few million lifetimes just to comphrehend. This is because you always fear and see these Rtvik devotees as a threat to your bogus ‘Sampradaya Acarya’ philosophy which again, only you can understand, or to be fair to you, one more person can understand, namely the alien PhantomGuru hiding in the alien ship patiently waiting one day to be anointed by you to save Iskcon and destroy the Rtviks. Please see below this letter to you the actual proof for yoursatisfaction to understand that it was actually Shymasundara das who is Sakshi Gopal’s right hand man by reading his e mail sent to me on Nov 17th 2011. This wasin response to my initial e mail to him and concern about Sakshi’s first blasphemous article “Grand Theft Atma”. Anyone can see how foolishly enthusiastic Shyamasundara is in his defense of Sakshi. My second e mail which is much longer is also available below the first one and where you will find myself chastising Shyamasundara das for his crazy comments and defence of Sakshi Gopal’s blasphemy.

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